Review: Fairest + Winter by Marissa Meyer

Hello Bookworms!

Here is my second-to-last book review of 2018. This year has gone by incredibly fast, and while I haven’t read near as many books as I hoped, I can say that I have ended the year with some amazing books. Nothing like going out with a bang, am I right? This month I have read both Fairest and Winter by Marissa Meyer- books 3.5 and 4 in the Lunar Chronicles series. Every book in this series has captivated me even more than the previous, and I highly recommend it if you haven’t read it yet. Essentially, they are fairy tale retellings with a science fiction/fantasy twist. PURE GENIOUS. Let’s get into it.


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Levana’s story. Oh my stars. Amazing. This is the first true villain story I have read in any series, and I absolutely loved it. Now obviously, I don’t love Levana, but her back story sheds so much light on where her evil comes from. A tiny part of my being, deep down inside, wanted to feel bad for Levana, but as her heinous acts continued, all thoughts of sympathy evaded me. She is so evil! I also really enjoyed reading about the childhoods of both Selene and Winter, which was a nice bridge into the final novel, Winter. This was such a quick read, and I am so glad that I decided to read it in between the third and final novels in the series. I gave this 5/5 stars.


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When I wrote my review for Cress (book three), I stated that it was my favorite of what I had read thus far. But now, this takes the cake. This book is a massive 800+ pages, and I loved every single second of it. Our two new main characters, Jacin and Winter, are so loveable, and the way their story intertwines with that of the previous three duos was so good! One thing I have loved about this series is that, the main couples don’t always stay side by side during the whole story. Rather, each character has equal interactions with every other member of the gang, and it is so fun to see the way each relationship works. This novel is a retelling of Snow White, and though this fairy tale isn’t too overpowering, it is still fun to pick up on all of the similarities between the original story and this one. Oh, and did I mention how incredible the “let’s start a revolution to overthrow the evil queen” part of the story was? This final novel left me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, and I can firmly say that this has become one of my favorite series of all time. Without a doubt, this deserves 5/5 stars.

I still have to read the final companion novel, Stars Above, as well as the Wires and Nerve graphic novel series following Iko, and I am so glad there is more of this world to dive into.

If you would like to keep up with everything I am reading and reviewing, follow me on Goodreads HERE, and check out my Instagram (circesbooksblog). As always, Happy Reading!


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